Daily Crossword - Sunday, March 2, 2025

Instruction : Select a cell, type in answers based on clues, and complete the puzzle.

      Daily Crossword Clues


      • 1. Always seek ___ when moving a patient if unsure about doing it alone.
      • 2. The name of the town where Bella lives with her father
      • 3. The entertainment company that manages Seventeen.
      • 4. The name of the werewolf who imprints on Renesmee
      • 5. Rendi can ... English well. He takes an English course twice a week.
      • 6. Leader of the Varia, the Vongola assassination squad.
      • 7. the unit of electrical power
      • 8. National sport, in which the most famous team is All Blacks.
      • 9. She can ... many books in a month. She loves literature.
      • 10. The Ravenclaw who could see Thestrals and joined the D.A.
      • 11. A ___ temperature measurement is often considered the most accurate.
      • 12. Something safe and suitable to eat
      • 13. a place of safety, comfort, or protection
      • 14. What is often found in the stool of people with Crohn's?
      • 15. When removing an isolation gown, roll the ___ side in.
      • 16. Another term for excrete urine.
      • 17. The outer shell of grains like rice or wheat
      • 18. The name of the vampire who can manipulate emotions
      • 19. My grandfather ___________ (be) born in 1932.
      • 20. My father can ... a machine well. He is a mechanic.
      • 21. An embryo during the later stages of development within the uterus.
      • 22. Love me Love me Love me Love me Love me Baby
      • 23. Dynamic duo's partner.
      • 24. Mr Ahmad has a lot of money. He can ... what he wants.
      • 25. Can I ... the meeting, please. I am sick.
      • 26. most commonly used clearing agent
      • 27. removal of gross nicks on the knife edge
      • 28. The natives of New Zealand are called _______.
      • 29. Check for ___ in the tubing if a Foley catheter has no urine output.
      • 30. An organism in the earliest stage of development.
      • 31. Green, strong, unstoppable.
      • 32. He ___________ (write) a letter to his friend last week.
      • 33. What is often found in the stool of people with Crohn's?
      • 34. People who avoid all animal products
      • 35. The name of the special ability that Bella has as a vampire
      • 36. Athletes ... quickly to win the race.
      • 37. Used to indicate possession by people or sometimes by things.
      • 38. A pledge, affirmation or declaration to provide true information.
      • 39. Always ___ your hands before and after handling specimens.
      • 40. Dark knight, Gotham's guardian.
      • 41. The member who choreographs many of their dance routines.
      • 42. The correct place to check an infant's pulse is under the ___.
      • 43. The fierce disciplinarian of Namimori Middle School.
      • 44. Medical abbreviation for 'Nothing by Mouth.'
      • 45. Which type of cancer does Ulcerative Colitis increase your risk of?
      • 46. Introduced irrigation systems vital for vine growth in arid regions
      • 47. Nutrients used by the body for energy reserves
      • 48. The main protagonist of the series.
      • 49. A bird can ... in the sky because it has wings.
      • 50. Condition of excessive body weight due to overeating


      • 1. The leader of Seventeen, known for his rapping skills.
      • 2. Assist a recovering stroke patient on their ___ side.
      • 3. Used to introduce a clause explaining the reason for something.
      • 4. The Vongola _____ are powerful artifacts that symbolize leadership.
      • 5. BTS song with the phrase'YOLO'.
      • 6. Politely ___ if a patient offers money as a thank you.
      • 7. Played on snow using skis.
      • 8. Used to refer to things or animals in a clause.
      • 9. Sovereign entities under the Articles of Confederation.
      • 10. You need a license to ... a car legally.
      • 11. I __________ (has) a very busy morning.
      • 12. It is a racket sport.
      • 13. Mutant team, diverse powers.
      • 14. Which type of cancer does Ulcerative Colitis increase your risk of?
      • 15. The types of food you regularly eat
      • 16. The youngest member of the group.
      • 17. The name of the human friend who has a crush on Bella
      • 18. The variety that has become almost synonymous with Argentine wine
      • 19. Straits that separates the north and the south island of this country.
      • 20. Used to refer to the subject of a clause when referring to people.
      • 21. Weigh patients at the same time each day to ensure consistency.
      • 22. The name of the vampire who can see the future
      • 23. Nickname for Mendoza due to its large number of wineries
      • 24. My brother ____________ (leave) his job because he didn't like it.
      • 25. Jungkook's solo song.
      • 26. The Irish member known for his Quidditch skills: ___ Finnigan.
      • 27. She ___________ (buy) a new dress for the party.
      • 28. An imaginary line about which a body rotates.
      • 29. _________ cells increase in Crohn's
      • 30. Last year, I went to Kuwait. The flight ________ (take) two hours.
      • 31. Used to introduce a clause where the time is being referred to.
      • 32. Which gender is more likely to develop Ulcerative Colitis?
      • 33. expensive yet accurately determine the extent of decalcification
      • 34. I ___________ (see) a beautiful rainbow after the rain stopped.
      • 35. Which gender is more likely to develop Ulcerative Colitis?
      • 36. The name of the vampire who can read minds
      • 37. The youngest Weasley brother who marries Hermione Granger.
      • 38. A court having jurisdiction (authority) to hear appeals.
      • 39. The Boy Who Lived.
      • 40. This high-altitude wine region is known for its Torrontés and Malbec
      • 41. the time of the day when solar energy doesn't work
      • 42. Thunder god, mighty hammer.
      • 43. Used to introduce a clause where the place is being referred to.
      • 44. Relating to the moon.
      • 45. The debut song of Seventeen.
      • 46. The member known for his powerful vocals and high notes.
      • 47. The infant hitman who trains Tsuna.
      • 48. The path one celestial body takes around another.
      • 49. They _____________ (lose) their child in a car accident.
      • 50. Authors ... stories that entertain and educate readers.

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