Daily Crossword - Sunday, March 9, 2025

Instruction : Select a cell, type in answers based on clues, and complete the puzzle.

      Daily Crossword Clues


      • 1. A form of communication that involves the use of letters and parcels.
      • 2. The long hair on the neck of a horse.
      • 3. Authors ... stories that entertain and educate readers.
      • 4. The gumball machine who is the boss of the park.
      • 5. Traditional Japanese garment
      • 6. The hindquarters or rump of a horse.
      • 7. The King of the jungle.
      • 8. Born of the ______ Mary.
      • 9. a formal and technique style of dance, often slow
      • 10. She can ... many books in a month. She loves literature.
      • 11. This layer is made up mostly of semi-molten rock.
      • 12. to turn in a circle one one leg, while dancing
      • 13. Traditional Brazilian dance
      • 14. Athletes ... quickly to win the race.
      • 15. A form of communication that involves the use of words.
      • 16. student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle
      • 17. when you wear loud shoes while dancing
      • 18. The median of the first 9 counting numbers.
      • 19. Common three letter beginning of most web addresses
      • 20. a slow bending of the supporting leg.
      • 21. Legless reptile known for its slithering movement
      • 22. My father can ... a machine well. He is a mechanic.
      • 23. to get of the ground you do this
      • 24. Change your password if you think your account has been __________ .
      • 25. He will come again to _____ the living and the dead.
      • 26. The variety that has become almost synonymous with Argentine wine
      • 27. Hindu festival of colors
      • 28. Digital service for sending emails
      • 29. to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate.
      • 30. a low point or position
      • 31. The center of international organizations
      • 32. Also referred to by its lyrical theme, 'Butterfly.'
      • 33. A common pet that purrs and often enjoys milk
      • 34. to stretch out; draw out to the full length
      • 35. Collection of many kingdoms with a diverse population
      • 36. On which side of the Father is Jesus seated?
      • 37. The doctor may take a tissue sample test known as a _______.
      • 38. The yeti who is very knowledgeable and always helps solve problems.
      • 39. Nickname for Mendoza due to its large number of wineries
      • 40. He descended into the ____.
      • 41. The muscular part of a horse's hind leg, between the stifle and hock.
      • 42. This would correspond to the human knee
      • 43. A device that directs data traffic between computer networks.
      • 44. _____ costs are costs that can be traced back.


      • 1. The middle observation which divides the Data into 2 equal lengths.
      • 2. The standard markup language for creating and designing web pages.
      • 3. Hindu festival of lights
      • 4. The process of providing goods and services to meet demand.
      • 5. to jump from one foot to the other, with a weight transfer
      • 6. The lollipop-shaped man who is very kind and naive.
      • 7. Introduced irrigation systems vital for vine growth in arid regions
      • 8. Central processing unit
      • 9. Considered one of the 5 best rulers and expanded Roman borders
      • 10. The center of government and culture in France
      • 11. The hard, outer shell of the Earth is made up mostly of _______.
      • 12. The need or desire for goods and services by consumers.
      • 13. Features the lyrics 'Careless, careless. Shoot anonymous, anonymous'
      • 14. a stetch for your legs preformed on the floor
      • 15. A smart way to save data from your hard drive to another source
      • 16. Common web address ending for organizations and charities
      • 17. Mr Ahmad has a lot of money. He can ... what he wants.
      • 18. Rigby's girlfriend who is a mole.
      • 19. to bend, as a part of the body
      • 20. Billy's going to _____ the alarm so he can wake up early.
      • 21. The name of the value that appears the most in the data set.
      • 22. Find the range of the data set: 2, 7, 0, 1, 1, 3 and 5.
      • 23. Suffix meaning 'full of' added to 'joy.'
      • 24. a jump forward, backward, or to the side, from one foot to the other.
      • 25. Notable for the affectionate lyric 'She's my baby.'
      • 26. Islamic festival after Ramadan
      • 27. Cover three-fourths of Austria
      • 28. you must always _________ your feet
      • 29. strong and fast movement are done
      • 30. One dot on the screen
      • 31. Memory that lets you run more apps simultaneously
      • 32. The difference between the highest and least value in a data set.
      • 33. Highest part of horse, except for the ears.
      • 34. insane emperor that blamed the Christians for the fires in Rome
      • 35. Brian ______ the bus on Billy's street.
      • 36. You can ... in the pool if you know how to float.
      • 37. Black and white bear known for its bamboo diet.
      • 38. This is the thinnest layer of the Earth.
      • 39. The hard covering on the lower extremity of a horse's leg.
      • 40. You need a license to ... a car legally.
      • 41. Traditional Korean dress
      • 42. Portuguese melancholic music genre
      • 43. Graphics processing unit
      • 44. Mordecai's best friend who is a raccoon.

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