Daily Crossword - Monday, March 10, 2025

Instruction : Select a cell, type in answers based on clues, and complete the puzzle.

      Daily Crossword Clues


      • 1. A term for physical altercations between players during a game.
      • 2. The cowboy doll who is the main character.
      • 3. Diki is tall, but Andi is....
      • 4. The young warrior with a hidden potential and a knack for academics.
      • 5. An area of green space for public use.
      • 6. The part of the plant that absorbs water and minerals from the soil.
      • 7. The act of intentionally hitting an opponent in hockey.
      • 8. Produce a picture or diagram by making lines and marks.
      • 9. Transitional Element
      • 10. This princess defies tradition and embarks on a journey with a thief
      • 11. what I earn for doing my job
      • 12. A bear native to China, famous for its black and white coat.
      • 13. The prideful Saiyan prince with a royal lineage.
      • 14. Move through water by moving limbs.
      • 15. Monoatomic Noble Gas
      • 16. Highly Reactive Element
      • 17. Symbol of Maganesium
      • 18. The martial artist with an extra eye on his forehead.
      • 19. We use it to cross a river.
      • 20. The shepherdess doll and Woody's love interest.
      • 21. Tetravalent Properties
      • 22. One of Rome's most respected emperors
      • 23. The gas that plants release as a by-product of photosynthesis.
      • 24. A large feline with a striped coat, native to Asia.
      • 25. Move rhythmically to music.
      • 26. A physical confrontation between players in ice hockey.
      • 27. A contact sport where grappling and submission techniques are used.
      • 28. where a company joins another company to increase its market share.
      • 29. A place where people go to buy fresh produce and goods.
      • 30. The studio that produced Toy Story.
      • 31. Good conductor of electricity, used for making electric wires
      • 32. It's the place you go everyday to learn.
      • 33. Emperor that married then killed his step sister
      • 34. The bio-engineered villain with a hunger for destruction.
      • 35. The state of purity Muslims must enter before conducting the Hajj.
      • 36. Men will be gathered in the Akhirah, a reminder of the day of ...
      • 37. The time-traveling son of Vegeta and Bulma.
      • 38. The act of circling the Kaaba seven times.
      • 39. Mr. Irman is old, but Ananda is...
      • 40. a group of people who approved and vetoed the laws
      • 41. mountain range in northern Italy
      • 42. Move quickly on foot.
      • 43. The train is..., but the pedicab is slow.
      • 44. The space ranger action figure.
      • 45. When you need money you go there.
      • 46. The opposite of big is....
      • 47. A group of nations and peoples ruled by one person
      • 48. The day of Arafah falls on the ... day of Zulhijjah.
      • 49. Author of 'Brave New World.'
      • 50. To wipe your wet body or face


      • 1. in excessive amount this damages nerve cells
      • 2. The nervous dinosaur toy.
      • 3. The former desert bandit turned Z Fighter with a rough past.
      • 4. How many pillars does Hajj have?
      • 5. Inorganic cofactor in living cells
      • 6. The worm is short, but the snake is....
      • 7. Making cakes and cookies
      • 8. A thin thread used for cleaning between teeth
      • 9. This princess befriends a talking snowman and melts an icy heart
      • 10. Roman general; defeated Hannibal near to Carthage
      • 11. This brave princess saved her father by disguising herself as a man
      • 12. A common domesticated animal, often considered a faithful companion.
      • 13. Speak in order to communicate.
      • 14. The holy well in Mecca, associated with Hajj.
      • 15. This Polynesian princess sails the seas with her demigod Maui
      • 16. Produce musical sounds with the voice.
      • 17. An African wild horse with black-and-white stripes.
      • 18. What is the opposite of beautiful?
      • 19. Classroom A is clean, but classroom B is....
      • 20. An aggressive tackle made in football with the intent to injure.
      • 21. Make sounds to express amusement.
      • 22. Look at and comprehend written material.
      • 23. To clean your hands or body
      • 24. A penalty given for excessive physical contact in basketball.
      • 25. The day of Arafah reminds us about the story of Prophet ... .
      • 26. A primate known for its ability to climb and swing through trees.
      • 27. This bookworm broke a prince's curse with her love and a kiss
      • 28. A heated exchange of blows between boxers.
      • 29. The city where Muslims perform Hajj.
      • 30. It's where you go to buy things.
      • 31. Important gas for respiration
      • 32. The elephant is..., but the mouse is small.
      • 33. Propel oneself into the air.
      • 34. Suffix meaning 'full of' added to 'joy.'
      • 35. The neighbor boy who loves to destroy toys.
      • 36. Form letters and words on paper.
      • 37. To cancel a law or to put a end to a law
      • 38. The green, three-eyed toys from the claw machine.
      • 39. 'G.U.Y' is featured in the album '_________.'
      • 40. SI unit for temperature
      • 41. A violent collision between players in American football.
      • 42. A term for the deliberate tripping of an opponent in soccer.
      • 43. A large feline with a striped coat, native to Asia.
      • 44. Author of '1984,' a dystopian novel about a totalitarian regime.
      • 45. The boy who owns the toys.
      • 46. lawmaking group in Rome
      • 47. A moisturizing product applied to the skin
      • 48. an agreement of compromise
      • 49. Mr. Doni is thin/slim, but Mr. Dadan is....
      • 50. The toy dog with a spring body.

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