Daily Crossword - Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Instruction : Select a cell, type in answers based on clues, and complete the puzzle.

      Daily Crossword Clues


      • 1. The last month of Summer
      • 2. the sixth month of the year
      • 3. Friend who loves to get her flaps out
      • 4. Laurie's _ _ _ _. Yeeehaw!
      • 5. A season known for falling leaves and harvest.
      • 6. Neil's Halloween Costume
      • 7. the fifth month of the year
      • 8. Takes the shape of its container and has a definite volume.
      • 9. Dudo que ella(limpiar) la casa todos los días.
      • 10. the first working day of the week
      • 11. Command used to search for text within files.
      • 12. Command that displays the current working directory.
      • 13. Often found buried in the sand, these are commonly used in chowders.
      • 14. The outer atmosphere of the Sun, visible during a total solar eclipse.
      • 15. Steven's best friend who works at the Big Donut
      • 16. The silent protagonist of Hyrule.
      • 17. Codename for the villain
      • 18. No quiero una bolsa que (ser) grander.
      • 19. Prevent or turn away from something
      • 20. Preferimos que tú (saber) la hora de salida de vuelo.
      • 21. This fruit is orange and spiky, and has a soft and creamy flesh.
      • 22. A bounty hunter in a power suit, known for space adventures.
      • 23. Hindu festival of colors marking the arrival of spring
      • 24. Command used to move or rename files or directories.
      • 25. When you cannot see the Sun or any part of it.
      • 26. The process of a liquid becoming a solid due to low temperature.
      • 27. The leader of Tech Support
      • 28. Dark knight, Gotham's guardian.
      • 29. A push or pull on an object.
      • 30. A pink puffball known for his ability to copy powers.
      • 31. Mi madre insiste que yo (decir) la verdad.
      • 32. Espero que no (salir) de mi casa.
      • 33. pretend not to notice
      • 34. The princess often in need of rescue, but a formidable fighter.
      • 35. Clothing and gear worn to protect against infectious materials
      • 36. It's not a bulletin board
      • 37. A space pilot and leader of Star Fox.
      • 38. the holy sikh god. there are ten
      • 39. must be worn in sluice room to protect clothing
      • 40. Festival celebrated by Muslims, marking the end of Ramadan fasting
      • 41. I use an umbrella in a ______ day.
      • 42. Friend who had to be bathed in 122 after throwing up from 2cb
      • 43. Memory Milestone - This magnetic medium began the storage revolution.
      • 44. Command used to remove files or directories.
      • 45. The process of a solid becoming a liquid due to increased temperature.
      • 46. a common area that is often missed during cares
      • 47. Key piece of evidence
      • 48. Has a definite shape and volume.
      • 49. Punchline Progenitor - Early data entry method using cards with holes.
      • 50. A Free City and Baltic Sea port


      • 1. Christian sacred text
      • 2. Comfort or consolation in a time of distress
      • 3. There are two of them, and they sit next to each other
      • 4. Sam Barne's stomping ground
      • 5. The alignment of three celestial bodies, causing eclipses.
      • 6. The best of us (also a rapper)
      • 7. Web Weaver - He spun the World Wide Web into existence.
      • 8. Command used to display a line of text or a variable's value.
      • 9. Smithy's sorely missed drunk alter ego
      • 10. Leather City of the World
      • 11. the last working day of a five-day work week
      • 12. Mysterious informant
      • 13. Mutant team, diverse powers.
      • 14. This fruit is yellow and sour, and can be used to make lemonade.
      • 15. Thunder god, mighty hammer.
      • 16. The king of the Koopas and a constant antagonist.
      • 17. a small piece of metal that melts if the current becomes too high.
      • 18. Command used to concatenate and display the content of files.
      • 19. New country formed with a corridor to the Baltic Sea
      • 20. Sigma Air Management
      • 21. Binary Backbone - The language of ones and zeros that started it all.
      • 22. Name of the islands disputed in the 1920s between Finland and Sweden
      • 23. Command used to change the current directory.
      • 24. Festival of lights celebrated with lamps and fireworks
      • 25. the last day of the week
      • 26. Not Liam Gallagher, but...?
      • 27. Dynamic duo's partner.
      • 28. Command used to copy files or directories.
      • 29. Money demanded for the return of a captured person
      • 30. St. Patrick's Day is in this month
      • 31. The fusion of Amethyst and Pearl
      • 32. the electrical pressure that pushes and pulls charges.
      • 33. I can guide you to use this
      • 34. A person who commits robbery with violence in the street
      • 35. A small, swimming crustacean with a distinctively curved body.
      • 36. Type of equation that graphs as a straight line.
      • 37. Long lost member of vale chat, invovled in a scandal
      • 38. Snow White and the 6 dorks
      • 39. Animal Katie L is scared of
      • 40. Steal something from a place
      • 41. A Pokémon that can evolve into eight different forms.
      • 42. we don't want to take our work or bugs home with us to these
      • 43. This employee's initials are the same letter
      • 44. Despite her last name, she wasn't Elsa for Halloween
      • 45. Capital city of the new country Czechoslovakia
      • 46. Ruth's first year arch-nemesis
      • 47. The flowers bloom in the ________ season.
      • 48. What followers of the Islam religion are called.
      • 49. Objects or surfaces that can carry infectious organisms
      • 50. 'shortened name' for a bug often responsible for skin infections

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