Daily Crossword - Sunday, January 19, 2025

Instruction : Select a cell, type in answers based on clues, and complete the puzzle.

      Daily Crossword Clues


      • 1. The Irish member known for his Quidditch skills: ___ Finnigan.
      • 2. Often portrayed as a clever trickster in various cultures.
      • 3. The name of a graph.
      • 4. The difference between the highest and least value in a data set.
      • 5. Where you keep your Easter candy!
      • 6. translated to "me" in malay
      • 7. SpongeBob's trusty pet snail.
      • 8. The member known for his athletic abilities and acting career
      • 9. The type of nut found in Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit & Nut.
      • 10. Islamic law derived from the Quran and Hadith.
      • 11. Otherwise known as arithmetic average.
      • 12. The Islamic calendar used to determine the start of Ramadan.
      • 13. The youngest Weasley brother who marries Hermione Granger.
      • 14. This takes places after sundown the Saturday before Easter.
      • 15. The color of the sun.
      • 16. Jesus calmed the ____.
      • 17. Capital of Rajasthan, also called Pink City
      • 18. The median of the first 5 counting numbers.
      • 19. The path one celestial body takes around another.
      • 20. Basic building blocks of living things.
      • 21. A graph that uses dots to show information is called a ___ plot.
      • 22. Jesus became this when he died on the Cross and rose again.
      • 23. This is the study of the rights and duties of citizenship.
      • 24. This color is commonly associated with royalty and luxury.
      • 25. The type of spirit Cassidy accidentally awakens.
      • 26. a rule that keeps things fair and safe in a community.
      • 27. Jesus surprised his disciples by walking on ____.
      • 28. A trickster figure in many Native American tales.
      • 29. Obligatory charitable giving, one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
      • 30. Deceptive actions used by tricksters.
      • 31. sam cheng ______ makan
      • 32. Find the range of the data set: 2, 7, 0, 1, 1, 3 and 5.
      • 33. An imaginary line about which a body rotates.
      • 34. Capital of Assam, located on the banks of the Brahmaputra River
      • 35. Consultation or advisory council in Islamic governance.
      • 36. The company that acquired Cadbury in 2010.
      • 37. The meal eaten to break the fast after sunset during Ramadan.
      • 38. The year Cadbury was founded.
      • 39. Stands for Personal Protective Equipment.
      • 40. Command used to define and manage user coordinate systems.
      • 41. A trickster god from Norse mythology.
      • 42. the way that a citizen becomes a town mayor.
      • 43. Mommys Hedgehog Name
      • 44. The leader of the group known for his distinct voice and acting roles
      • 45. Movement characteristic of living things.
      • 46. The pre-dawn meal consumed before the daily fast begins.
      • 47. Potential source of harm or danger.
      • 48. She's a squirrel from Texas.
      • 49. The Boy Who Lived.


      • 1. He is _________ indeed!
      • 2. It's the name of a color and a fruit. It begins with O
      • 3. The name of the value that appears the most in the data set.
      • 4. Often a trickster in African and Native American stories.
      • 5. The Brickhouse With A Heart
      • 6. A clever rabbit from African-American folklore.
      • 7. Jesus was baptized in this river.
      • 8. The protagonist's ghost friend.
      • 9. This karate expert teaches SpongeBob all his moves.
      • 10. The process of increasing in physical size.
      • 11. Life-saving technique for cardiac emergencies.
      • 12. A popular Scottish distilled alcoholic beverage.
      • 13. Trees are____ in spring
      • 14. If you order the letters, you get the name of this colour. GBEEI
      • 15. A person who works in the kitchen.
      • 16. Parks and retrieves guests' vehicles.
      • 17. a substance with a pH >7
      • 18. City of Lakes, capital of Madhya Pradesh
      • 19. The period of time 40 days before Easter.
      • 20. The Ravenclaw who could see Thestrals and joined the D.A.
      • 21. Often the color of fresh snow or milk.
      • 22. The lunar sighting used to mark the beginning and end of Ramadan.
      • 23. She later became the wife of the Boy Who Lived.
      • 24. A tax levied on non-Muslims living in an Islamic state.
      • 25. The Sweet Girl's Friend
      • 26. a substance with a pH
      • 27. Relating to the moon.
      • 28. Usury or interest, which is prohibited in Islamic finance.
      • 29. Jesus was crucified on this.
      • 30. Stormy clouds are ___.
      • 31. A patterned cloth, often associated with Scottish kilts.
      • 32. A traditional Scottish dish made from sheep's offal.
      • 33. A trickster spider from African folklore.
      • 34. A primary research method
      • 35. A rule, custom, or practice that governs behavior in a society.
      • 36. The middle observation which divides the Data into 2 equal lengths.
      • 37. ___________ Sunday is the beginning of the Holy Week.
      • 38. The type of places Cassidy's parents visit for their TV series.
      • 39. Jesus miraculously fed thousands with a few loaves of _____.
      • 40. This command is helpful when creating symmetrical images.
      • 41. Traditional stories involving gods and heroes.
      • 42. The holy book of Islam, often read and recited during Ramadan.
      • 43. The city where the story is set.
      • 44. the leader of a town government.
      • 45. The median of the first 9 counting numbers.
      • 46. A trickster bird from Native American mythology.
      • 47. The act of giving to charity, which is emphasized during Ramadan.
      • 48. The slogan associated with Cadbury Dairy Milk: ___and a Half.
      • 49. A color with three letters and the color of a rose.

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