Descriptive Text About Tourism Place (difficulty: Hard) Crossword Puzzle

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Colosseum Colosseum is the remains of the Flavian Amphitheatre. It is located in the center of Rome, Italy. The construction process began under the Flavian dynasty. It is the biggest amphitheatre in the world and it is considered to be the greatest work of the Roman architect. Nowadays it is the most visited tourism object in Rome. Colloseum was an eliptical construction of wall surrounding an eliptical arena where various of shows were held as an entertainment for the citizen of Rome. But now what we can see from the building is the remains of the ruin, most of the wall is no longer intact. The building is made of concrete and sand. The size of the building is 29.484 square meters and the size of the arena is 24.000 square meters. The outer wall’s height is 545 meters, and the height of the inner wall is 48 meters. There are 80 entrance that we can use to enter the building, 4 of this entrance, located on each axis of the ellipse shape of the building, was used for noble and elite only. The arena is in the center of the building and it is lower than the seat of the audience. The Colloseum could hold up to 50.000 spectators which will occupy a descending level style of seats. The first level of the seats, which is the closest one to the arena, is used by the Emperor and high rank official of Rome. The higher the seat gets the lower the level of the audience became. The arena’s floor that used to made of wood and covered by sand has broken, showing the underground structure consist of secret passage, rooms and animal’s cages where The Gladiator and the beast stayed before the competition. This underground structure is called hypogeum.

Descriptive Text About Tourism Place (difficulty: Hard) Clue List




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