Words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally & even backwards
Find words as fast as possible to win.


Mad, sad, thrilled, excited, there are countless ways to express how one is feeling at any given moment. A person's mood is an emotional state that differs from emotions and is generally looked at as either positive or negative ("I'm in a good/bad mood today"). It is a subjective state, but a person's body language has been known sometimes to imply what sort of mood a person is in, whether a specific occurrence brings it on or just came about organically. Think you can find some different words related to spirits and tones in this moody puzzle? All the best!

Words In This Word Search

Excited, Thrilled, Mad, Sad, Angry, Happy, Nostalgia, Terror, Passion, Excitement, Longing, Sarcastic, Foreboding


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