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Pretty Little Liars is a television series available on the Freeform network and has streaming capabilities on Apple, iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu. Pretty Little Liars begin its season in June 2010 and is currently in the seventh season. The series is about four teenagers who have a common enemy that is a threat of exposing all of their secrets. The teenagers form a bond and work together to keep their secrets hidden. To their surprise, the enemy is a former member of their group and knows each girl's secrets in the group. Pretty Little Liars is a seven-series drama.

Words In This Word Search

Alison, Hannah, Spencer, Aria, Emily, Alex, Ian, Wren, Toby, Jenna, Ashly, Troian, Shay, Sasha, Lucy, Ezra, Rosewood, Pretty, Secrets, Caleb, Sean, Lucas, Taylor, Lies, Police, Death, Montgomery, Dilaurentis, Hastings, Fields, Marin, Noel, Maya, Samara, Paige, Ben


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